Predictions for 2017

Originally published in Utah Business.

I love the start of a new year and am typically filled with optimism as I contemplate local and world events. This year the realist in me takes center stage as I look forward with more trepidation and uncertainty, particularly concerning global affairs. While my crystal ball is foggy and blurred, here are a handful of predictions for the new year.

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An end-of-year prayer

Originally published in the Deseret News.

An End of Year Prayer

Like a lot of people, I have many thoughts on my mind as 2016 comes to a close. When thoughts turn to words, it can take many literary forms — a memo, an essay, a poem, lyrics for a song or even a prayer. I decided to take my thoughts about troubling world events, homelessness, crime, addiction and income disparities, and compose a personal, non-denominational end-of-year prayer. My hope is that the simplicity and solemnity of the prayer will help us in 2017. Here is my prayer:

Dear God,

Thank you for this beautiful day. The earth you created continues to inspire me. I recognize your hand in the sun and the moon and the sky. Thank you.

I’m also grateful for the remarkable people in my life.

Continue reading An end-of-year prayer

Gifts of the season

Originally published in Utah Business magazine.

The holidays are in full swing. Snow blankets our yards, lights illuminate our streets and homes, and songs of the season fill the air. This is a glorious time of year … with one exception. We spend too much time thinking about and collecting things.

Every year around this time, I circle back to the same holiday wish. I want the holiday season to be about people, not things. I want to spend less time chasing material satisfaction and more time building lasting relationships.

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Is increasing diversity good for Utah?

Originally published in the Deseret News.

(God) did not people the earth with a vibrant orchestra of personalities only to value the piccolos of the world.

— Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

Utah’s population is growing and diversifying. Each year, birth by birth, death by death, and migrant by migrant, the population changes. We are growing, aging, diversifying, and urbanizing. Today’s population is dramatically different than just three decades ago.

Last year, approximately 21,000 more people moved into the state than moved out. That number will likely be even greater this year. These newcomers create a state that is more diverse, more progressive and more open to new ideas.

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Please, Mr. Trump, Apologize

Originally published in the Deseret News.

The young man in his twenties seemed insistent to speak with me. I had just finished participating on a post-election panel where I expressed my deepest-held feelings about president-elect Trump. I decided to own my feelings and let them show. I told the crowd I was insulted and hurt. Trump had deeply offended my sensibilities as a woman. My hurt was magnified on election night when I realized so many fellow citizens didn’t feel the same way.

The inquisitive young man tracked me down through the crowd after the panel ended. He clearly wanted to talk. He waited while I exchanged business cards and spoke with a few other folks in the audience. Then he and I stood face to face. He posed the question, “I just have to ask you. What is it you find so offensive about Donald Trump. I really want to understand.”

Continue reading Please, Mr. Trump, Apologize

Our Northern Neighbor: Comparing the Economies of Utah and Idaho

Originally published in Utah Business.

I love the state of Idaho. I love the spectacular mountains, the rivers and the farmlands. I enjoy visiting the small towns and view Boise as an up-and-coming metropolitan area with an urban vibe. I love Sun Valley in the winter or summer and always welcome the chance to take my family there for a getaway. Mostly, I appreciate the people of Idaho for their friendliness, hardiness and industrious spirit. We are fortunate in Utah to have such a wonderful neighbor to the north.

Continue reading Our Northern Neighbor: Comparing the Economies of Utah and Idaho

Start with yourself to heal a divided America

Originally published by the Deseret News,

I’m like a lot of Americans. I’m dead tired of the 2016 presidential election, but I still find myself scrolling through social media feeds, reading and watching news coverage, and sharing opinions with friends and family. I’m sick of the election but also realize its importance. The time for choosing is upon us, voting has begun and, within a week, we will select our new president.

He or she will inherit a seriously divided country, a so-so economy and a confrontational Congress. Even worse, the president-elect will enter the Oval Office in January with a gaping wound. Yes, that’s right, the United States of America, the land of the free and home of the brave, has a rotten, stinky and infected wound. We won’t reclaim our leadership in the world until we stop the bleeding, stitch it up, bandage it and give it time to heal.

Continue reading Start with yourself to heal a divided America

Writings and Reflections