Category Archives: Blog

Starting 2014 out right

2014 is here and I love it. It’s a chance to begin anew, start fresh and adopt new found optimism. One of the new things I’m going to do is post my writings and reflections on this website. Each month I write a column for the Deseret News and Utah Business magazine. I also participate in a weekly radio program on Salt Lake City’s KCPW radio station. For those who are interested I will post links from this website. You can also follow me on Twitter at @gochnour. Thanks for your interest.

Utah needs more women in decision making roles

Originally published in the Deseret News.

Next week, Utahns will be summoned to the election booth to vote in municipal elections. Those who do will find far too few women on the ballot. And it’s not just at the ballot box: it’s in boardrooms and businesses. It’s even in our faith institutions. Women, for all of their native talents, are completely underrepresented in leadership positions. Our community is the lesser for it.

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Utahns need to be more accepting of others

Originally published in the Deseret News.

Yesterday we celebrated our nation’s birthday. In less than three weeks we will celebrate what in Utah is an even bigger holiday — Pioneer Day. July is the month for patriotic revelry and pioneer celebration. As we think about our past and what others did for us, we should also think about our future and what we can do for others. Narrowing the cultural divide in Utah is a great place to start.

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From Vision to Action

Originally published in Utah Business.

I recently interviewed with Joel Kotkin, the famed demographer, author and columnist who is frequently quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Daily Beast. Kotkin was doing a media tour and had spent the prior two days meeting with community leaders to get a pulse on Utah. As we finished the interview he said, “Salt Lake is very self aware and it serves you well.”

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A Thank You To Legislators

Originally published in Utah Business.

The Utah Legislature—with all of its individuality and nuance—can now boast the nation’s second fastest-growing economy. That’s right. Utah leads every state but North Dakota in the rate of job growth, and the Utah economy gets stronger by the day. Years of economic leadership are paying off and Utah families are the winners. It’s time to take a pause and thank Utah legislators for their service.

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A Fresh Start: Let Your Feminine Values Shine in 2013

Originally published in Utah Business.

January is one of my favorite times of the year. I relish the chance to push the reset button and begin anew. I use it as a time to reflect about what worked in the prior year and what can be done in the coming year to make life better.

Looking back at 2012, two major public issues rattled my sense of rightness: the negative campaigning in the 2012 elections and the posturing about the fiscal cliff. Both issues call for an infusion of feminine values into the public square.

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A Time of Thanksgiving: Reflections on The Utah Compact

Originally published in Utah Business.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more.” – Melody Beattie

Three years ago this month, a large and diverse group of community leaders gathered at the Utah State Capitol to affix their names to The Utah Compact. For those in attendance, the Utah sun beamed a little brighter that day as our community adopted a more gracious approach to the complex issue of immigration reform. Since then, Utah has followed a more compassionate, constructive and civil immigration discussion that has lifted Utah to a higher, better place and set an example for others. For this we can all be grateful.

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Moment of Truth: The 2012 Elections are Finally Here

Originally published in Utah Business.

The moment of truth is here. On Nov. 6 Americans will elect a president, vice president and 468 members of Congress. For many, it will be the election of a lifetime as we choose how to eliminate chronic unemployment, national malaise and a trillion dollar deficit. It’s our chance, indeed our duty, to vote for a better future. As we do so, I offer a post-partisan and admittedly imperfect, five-step plan for the new Congress and president that I hope will inform your vote and your public advocacy in the weeks ahead.

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