All posts by ngochnour

A Deficit of Leadership

Originally published in Utah Business.

I had the privilege recently of visiting our National Archives and viewing George Washington’s first inaugural address. Yes, I’m talking about the real document…yellowed parchment, faded ink, handwritten cursive and brilliant content. It begins, “Among the vicissitudes incident to life no event could have filled me with greater anxieties than that of which the notification was transmitted by your order…” Washington had received notice that he was elected the first president of the United States. He was nervous, humble and ready to serve.

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Worth the Risk

Originally published in Utah Business.

I’m mad. For 14 consecutive months I’ve watched as the Utah economy has climbed out of the worst recession in my lifetime. If you are less than 78 years old, it was the worst recession in your lifetime too. And now we have the U.S. Congress to thank for taking an already tepid recovery and making things worse. I’m speaking, of course, about the brinkmanship used in raising the U.S. debt ceiling. It was wrong to push it so far and Utah’s economy will be hurt by it. Mark my words.

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Friends in High Places

Originally published in Utah Business.

During a recent visit to Washington, D.C., I found myself between appointments sitting on a park bench just off Capitol Hill and within view of the Hall of the States—a large and grand building where many of the 50 states house their Washington offices. It’s where the business of states gets done in the nation’s capital. The setting was a perfect place to consider what’s been going on in Washington, D.C. and how it affects the Utah economy.

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Mormon Summer

Originally published in Utah Business.

Call it a Mormon summer. Utah’s predominant religion has been the recipient of a mammoth amount of publicity this summer. In what commentators are calling the “Mormon moment,” news stories flood the airwaves with reports—some accurate, some not—about Mormonism. Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman Jr., Harry Reid, Twilight vampire novels, Glenn Beck, HBO’s Big Love and a Tony Award-winning Broadway play have placed a bright spotlight on the Mormon faith. It’s a spotlight that illuminates the economic reach of a global religion and the local economic impact of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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Romney, Huntsman and the Utah Economy

Originally published in Utah Business.


Every summer brings a boatload of economic news and events—oil prices, the summer job outlook, hurricane season, national park visits and so the list goes. This summer Utahns will also notice an abundance of media attention on the Beehive State as two prominent presidential candidates with Utah ties begin their quest for the presidency. The economic impact of these candidacies on Utah is worthy of reflection.

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